Mysterious Leak from Soyuz Spacecraft in Space; Liquid gushes out

A stream of liquid has started spewing out from a Soyuz spacecraft docked at the International Space Station (ISS). Following the discovery of this leakage in the spacecraft, the spacewalk of two Russian cosmonauts aboard the ISS had to be called off. A NASA live webcast displayed this leak of fluid from the Soyuz spacecraft.

The liquid is seen to be spraying out into space from the spacecraft. It looks like a gush of snowflake-like particles coming out from the rear section of the Soyuz MS-22 capsule.

Experts of NASA suspect it to be a coolant leak.

According to NASA none of the seven members of the current International Space Station (ISS) crew were in danger because of this leak. These space travelers include three Russians, three Americans, and a Japanese.

The leaking Soyuz spacecraft arrived at the ISS space station in September. It had taken two Russian cosmonauts and one American astronaut to the ISS. Since then it remains attached to the Earth-facing side of the space station.

Five other spacecraft are also parked at this space station.

The ISS is of the size of a football field and it is orbiting around 250 miles above the Earth. It is operated by a U.S.-Russia-led partnership that includes Canada, Japan, and 11 European countries. This space station is continuously occupied since 2000.

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