This Bahubali Jalebi Costs Rs 700 per Piece, Know Its Specialty

Kolkata: Jalebi, a commoner’s sweet is usually sold for Rs 5 to Rs 10 per piece. But a piece of Bahubali Jalebi prepared and sold in Kenjakura in Bankura district in West Bengal costs Rs 300 to Rs700. It also weighs two to three kg.

These huge jalebis are locally called jabo jalebis. They specially prepared on the occasion of Badhu Puja as part of a Bengali tradition of the area.

This special mammoth jalebi is sold in Kenjakura every year during Bhadupuja in the month of Bhadra.

Bhadu Puja is very popular in Bankura, Purulia during Bhadrav Sankranti. Panchkot royal family is said to have started Bhadu Puja in Bengal in memory of Bhadravati, third daughter of Panchkot Raj Nilamani Singhdeo, who died prematurely.

Bhadu Puja is celebrated for a month in Kenjakura, an ancient town of Bankura on the banks of the Dwarakeshwar River.

During this month people give special jalebis to their neighbours. The tradition continues and the size of jalebi has increased to make it special.

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