Know Your Partner’s Mood by Seeing Eyes: What Does Eye Astrology Say?

Laughter, happiness, or sadness, the human eye captures everything. Words can deceive anyone, but the two eyes of man reveal all the things inside the mind. By looking at these eyes, one can know about the personality of a person. If you know how to read people’s eyes, you can read their innermost thoughts.

A lot of things can be known about a person’s character through his eyes. So let’s know what Samudrikshastra says about the structure of the eye and how to determine its personality from it.

People who have large and protruding eyes are often soft-hearted. While talking to them, you will find that they are very honest and sincere people. These people have a generous nature towards others. If this person’s eyes are bright, then they are said to be very intelligent.

It is said in Samudrikshastra that people who have small eyes are very distant. However, most of the time they get angry over small things. They do not think much about the future and have faith in today.

According to Samudrikshastra, a person with round eyes has good luck with wandering. They love to travel. However, they are very eager to learn about new places. However, it is described in Samudrik Shastar that they are very angry people.

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