“Sexual Pleasure is Gift from God”, Says Pope Francis, But Warns Against Pornography

While speaking on the dangers of pornography in a recent address on Wednesday, Pope Francis termed sexual pleasure a ”gift from God”.

”Sex was something to be cherished”, but it is ultimately being ”undermined by pornography,” said the 87-year-old religious leader, as reported by the Guardian.

The Pope warned that porn could give rise to addictive behaviours, and that lust leads to a ”dangerous vice.”

In October 2022, he said, “Each of you thinks if you’ve had the experience or had the temptation of digital pornography. It’s a vice that so many people have, so many laymen, so many lay women, and even priests and nuns.”

Pope Francis is considered one of the most progressive leaders of the Catholic Church. In 2023 allowed priests to bless same-sex couples as long as they are not part of regular Church rituals or liturgies. Regarding masturbation, he has said, “To express yourself sexually is a richness. So anything that detracts from real sexual expression lessens you and depletes this richness.”

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