Ahmedabad: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh have been directed by an Ahmedabad court to appear on July 13 in connection with a criminal defamation case filed against them by Gujarat University (GU). The case stems from their alleged “sarcastic” and “derogatory” statements regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s degree.
Initially summoned to appear on June 7, the AAP leaders’ lawyers filed an application seeking an exemption from appearing and requested documents related to the complaint.
The court granted their exemption but referred to a circular for speedy trial against MPs and MLAs, and scheduled their presence for plea recording on July 13. It had earlier observed that there was a prima facie case against Kejriwal and Singh under Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code for defamation.
The defamation case was filed by the GU Registrar, who claimed that the leaders’ comments during press conferences and on Twitter were defamatory towards the university and intended to damage its reputation.
Some of the remarks included questioning the authenticity of PM Modi’s degree and suggesting that GU issued fake degrees.
Four witnesses were examined, and additional evidence was submitted during the court inquiry to support the defamation case.
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