Man Sued For Rs 3 Cr By Girlfriend For Hiding Marital Status

New Delhi: A woman from Delhi filed a complaint in the Delhi High Court demanding Rs 3 crores in damages from a man who concealed his marriage to another woman during their more than five-year relationship.

In the case involving the claim for “damages for fraudulent and deceitful conduct,” the Delhi High Court has served defendant Koustav Dey with a notice.

Both are highly placed executives who attended various IIMs and met each other in 2016 while participating in an exchange program at a European university.

After returning to India, the couple kept up their relationship, and the man visited the woman’s family in Delhi regularly to convince them that he wanted to marry her.

However, he married a different woman in 2019 who was chosen by his family, and he continued to live a “parallel life” in Bengaluru with his wife without telling her or their mutual friends about it.

According to the complaint, the woman learned about the scenario in August 2021 after a mutual acquaintance saw a social media post in which the man’s wife had posted his picture and included him in a hashtag.

He confessed to being married since 2019 when she confronted him with the picture. After that, the plaintiff ended their connection and contacted the defendant’s wife to expose his deceit.

Additionally, it was stated in the plaint that any damages the court might award will go to organisations that assist victims of domestic and sexual abuse.

The plaintiff claimed that she made the decision to pursue civil litigation rather than file a “rape” FIR and start a criminal proceeding. The complainant stated, “The relationship may have been started on false pretences, but it was a true relationship, thus I did not want to file an FIR.”

“He did all these knowing well how they would affect my life and my profession. He participated in a game and is getting away with it,” she continued.

The Delhi High Court has for the time being served Koustav with a notice, and the case will next be heard on April 20.

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