New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has once again retained the tag of the world’s ‘most popular’ leader. The Indian PM has got this position with an approval rating of 76 per cent leaving behind his US and UK counterparts Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak.
As per a survey released by Morning Consult, PM Modi’s ratings trump those of other leaders, including Australian PM Anthony Albanese, French President Emmanuel Macron and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The poll surveyed 22 global leaders for the ratings.While PM Modi bagged the first spot, Mexican president Andrés Manuel L³pez Obrador grabbed the second position with 61 per cent approval ratings, the survey showed.
“The latest approval ratings are based on data collected from March 22-28, 2023. Approval ratings are based on a seven-day moving average of adult residents in each country, with sample sizes varying by country,” the survey conducted by Morning Consult stated.
In February too, PM Modi was pegged as the world’s most popular global leader with an approval rating of 78 per cent. That survey was also conducted by US-based consulting firm ‘Morning Consult.’
Brazil’s newly elected President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was placed at number 5 with 49 per cent ratings, the US President was at number 6th position with 41 per cent approval and UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was in 10th position with 34 per cent approval.
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