Climate Change to Increase Rainbow Occurrence  

The impact of climate change has always put us in worry. But a recent research has predicted that climate change may have a colourful consequence. A study made by researchers of ‘Global Environment Change’ has predicted that the frequency of occurrence of rainbows across the world will increase by around five percent by the end of this century. It means a person living in 2100 will witness more rainbows than what a man saw in 2000. But these rainbows will not diminish the vagaries of climate change.

The team led by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa studied the data related to around one lakh rainbow photographs collected from photo-sharing websites. They analysed precipitation, cloud cover, and the angle of the sun related to these photographed rainbows.

Their climatic data analysis hinted that by 2100 around 66 to 79 percent of land areas will have more rainbow sightings. During that time 21 to 34 percent of land area may have fewer rainbows.

Human activities have already changed the climatic balance, cloud cover, and rainfall pattern on the planet. As per the findings, places located at high altitudes with less population density will see more rainbows. Tibet and Ladakh are good examples of such sites. In the coming years, islands with clear skies and localised rains will be the best places to spot rainbows.

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