Mizoram School Admits 8 Sets of Twins, Photo Goes Viral

Aizwal: A primary school in Aizawl, Government College Veng Primary School, has become viral on social media after admitting eight sets of twins this year.

According to The Assam Tribune, this unique occurrence includes seven sets of identical twins and one set of fraternal twins.

“We were delighted to discover during a staff discussion this morning that we have eight sets of twins currently studying in various classes,” the headmaster of the school, H Lalventluanga told The Assam Tribune. “Last year, we only had four sets enrolled.”

“We have one fraternal pair, four pairs of girls, and three pairs of boys studying in our school. KG 1 has two pairs of boys, one fraternal pair, and one pair of girls. KG 2 has one male pair, while Class 1 has a pair of girls, and another two pairs of girls in Class 2,” he added.

Interestingly, one of the fraternal twin sets belongs to the Headmaster himself. His son, Remruatdika, and daughter, Lalzarzovi, are currently in KG 1.

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