Stop Playing Songs Glorifying Drugs & Guns on FM

New Delhi: FM channels have been cautioned by the Central government against playing songs that promote drugs and gun culture. The Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry has issued an advisory to FM radio channels regarding this.

The radio channels have been directed to strictly adhere to the terms and conditions prescribed in the Grant of Permission Agreement (GOPA) and Migration Grant of Permission Agreement (MGOPA) and not air any content violating these norms.

Violation of this advisory will invite strict action by the ministry. Playing songs glorifying liquor, drugs, weapons, gangsters, and gun culture are in violation of the All India Radio Programme Code. So, the Central government can impose restrictions on FM radio channels involved in such acts.

The Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry has threatened to suspend permission for such FM radio channels prohibiting their broadcast.

The ministry has directed the FM channels not to broadcast content promoting anti-social activities.

In the recent past, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana had remarked that such material affects children of impressionable age. Added to it promotes gangster culture.


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