Are our ancestors not monkeys but fish? Shocking revelation in research

New Delhi: Recently shocking research has come out about humans, according to which fishes have been described as older than monkeys. Research has revealed that the jaws of humans are similar to those of fish.

That is, the structure of fish is similar to that of humans. Let us know how much truth is in this.

This type of fish has been discovered in South China. A few days ago, the Chinese Academy of Science, Quizzing Normal University, and Birmingham University did research together. Through this research, scientists have discovered 5 species of fish. The fossils of these fish are said to be 43.6 years old.

According to research, the structure of these fishes’ teeth, spinal cord, and jaws more than 400 million years old are similar to that of humans. These remains of fish are the oldest remains ever found.

The name of the fish found during the research is Mirabilis. Research has been done on 20 Mirabilis fishes. The length of the smallest of these fish is 1.2 inches. The smallest of the jawed fish is the oldest.

According to researchers, teeth were not found in fish earlier. Due to gradual evolution, teeth developed in fishes. According to scientists, the first fish was seen 52 million years ago. A scorpion is an animal older than fish.

Mammalian animals and humans have evolved from fish. The jaws of fish are as hard as humans. They are capable of chewing raw food. The fish gradually came out of the water, evolution took place and other organisms evolved.

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