Bangladesh women’s cricketer Shohely Akhter denied the allegations of spot-fixing against her. Earlier, it was reported that she approached Lata Mondal in the Bangladesh team in South Africa for the Women’s T20 World Cup. A Dhaka-based channel, Jamuna TV, had broadcast audio with the allegation that a Bangladesh cricketer was approached for spot-fixing. It was alleged that Soheley was the approacher. However, Shohely dismissed the allegations and said that it was a clear case of miscommunication.
Allegation of players being approached for spot-fixing attempts has emerged in the Women’s T20 World Cup. A Dhaka-based television channel has broadcast an audio conversation in which a Bangladeshi player was approached for spot-fixing.
A member of the Bangladesh women’s cricket squad has reported a spot-fixing approach at the T20 Women’s World Cup in South Africa, declared the Bangladesh Cricket Board. The tournament finishes on Feb. 26.
The Bangladeshi player reported the incident to the International Cricket Council’s anti-corruption unit (ACU), said Shafiul Alam Nadel, the chairman of the Bangladesh Cricket Board women’s wing, to the Daily Star newspaper.
Spot-fixing refers to the manipulation of part of a game to deliver a given outcome for betting purposes. Usually, players are approached by bookies to have spot-fixing as per their desire.
An audio clip of a conversation in which the Bangladeshi player was approached has been shared by a Dhaka-based television channel. BCB chief executive Nizamuddin Chowdhury told cricket website ESPNCricinfo that the incident was “very sensitive”.
“Our players are aware of their dos and don’ts,” Chowdhury said.“If there’s been an approach, they know that they have to inform the ICC ACU according to the event’s protocol.”
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