Microsoft Copilot Now Available for Android Users, Unleashing GPT-4 & DALL-E 3 Power

Microsoft Copilot quietly rolled out to Android users, leveraging the power of OpenAI models GPT-4 and DALL-E 3. The app, available on the Google Play Store, combines Bing Chat AI and other existing features into a generative AI assistant. Although Microsoft has not officially announced the release, the app is listed as free with possible in-app purchases.

According to the Play Store, the last update was on December 19. The rebranded Copilot, introduced in September, focuses solely on Microsoft’s AI conversation helper, eliminating distractions from Bing’s search engine. While free, occasional ads appear in the app.

Copilot utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 models to deliver fast, precise responses and generate visuals from simple text cues. Users can access these features without a Microsoft account, but signing in allows for more extensive conversations. The app requests approximate location permission but doesn’t make it mandatory.

A toggle in the app enables users to activate GPT-4 access, though it warns of potential slowdowns during creative processes. Reports suggest that an iOS version of Copilot is in the works, nearly ready for launch. In the meantime, iOS users can access Copilot through the Bing Chat app.

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