Home Ministry Receives Bomb Threat Mail, Searches Find No Danger

New Delhi: In a concerning escalation, the Ministry of Home Affairs has become the latest target of a bomb threat, following a wave of similar hoaxes plaguing the capital. A senior ministry official received an email threatening an explosion on Wednesday afternoon, prompting a swift response from Delhi Police.

Authorities conducted a thorough search of the ministry building located in North Block, the heart of the nation’s government complex. Fortunately, no suspicious devices or materials were found.

This incident comes after a string of bomb threats targeting schools, hospitals, and even Delhi’s airport in recent weeks.

Earlier this month, over 150 schools in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) received threatening emails claiming the presence of explosives on their premises. These threats caused widespread panic, leading to evacuations and searches that ultimately revealed them to be hoaxes.

Delhi Police suspect the emails originated from Budapest, Hungary, and are expected to establish contact with Hungarian authorities to investigate the source further.

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