Accused Hid Smoke Canisters in Cavities in Shoes to Breach Parliament Security

New Delhi: Investigation by Delhi police has revealed that the two accused who breached the security of Parliament and Lok Sabha hid the smoke canisters inside their shoes to take them inside.

The breach was a well-planned conspiracy going back nearly a year with one of the intruders getting a cobbler in Lucknow to carve 2.5-inch deep cavities in the soles of two pairs of shoes to stuff canisters of yellow smoke he carried to Parliament, reported Hindustan Times.

Out of the four accused arrested on Wednesday, Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D, managed to cross three layers of security before jumping from the visitors’ gallery and spraying coloured smoke inside the Lok Sabha. Amol Shinde and Neelam Singh shouted slogans outside the Parliament releasing coloured smoke from canisters.

All of them were remanded to police custody for seven days on Thursday.

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