Malkangiri Diarrhoea Deaths Reach 12, 7 Undergoing Treatment

Malkangiri: A diarrhoea outbreak continues to impact Malkangiri district, with another death reported from Luler village under Mathili block. With this death, the toll is now up to 12.

The deceased, identified as 35-year-old Subarna Nayak, succumbed to the illness on Saturday evening after being admitted to Mathili Hospital.

Currently, seven individuals from Luler village are receiving treatment at the hospital.

In response to the outbreak, a team of doctors has been dispatched to the village, and the Anganwadi centre has been repurposed as a temporary treatment facility. The cause of the outbreak remains unclear, with water samples sent for testing. A definitive cause will be determined once the test results are received.

Health Minister Mukesh Mahaling stated, “A special team from Malkangiri is assessing the situation. They will provide a report after their evaluation. We are also reviewing media reports on diarrhoea fatalities and have instructed the health director and district hospital to implement necessary measures to address the crisis.”

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