Interest in the moon has increased many folds among Indians following the Chandrayaan-3’s historic landing on the Lunar South Pole. Now we get the chance to watch the rare event of Super Blue Moon on August 30. Don’t miss it as it will again happen in 2037.
The third and last full moon of summer in the Northern Hemisphere will be a “super blue moon,” since it will be the second full moon in a calendar month, according to the Moon’s 29-day orbit of the Earth, making it a super moon.
It is advised to view the super blue moon when it rises just after sunset during the hours of dusk for the best viewing experience.
According to NASA, the blue supermoons are a very rare phenomenon. They appear once every ten years due to astronomical conditions. But occasionally, the interval between blue supermoons can be as long as twenty years. The next super blue moons will take place in pairs in 2037, in January and March.
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