Largest Nuclear Reactor That Imitates Sun’s Fusion Starts Operation in Japan

The world’s largest and most advanced nuclear fusion reactor, JT-60SA, began its operations in Japan’s Ibaraki Prefecture on Friday (Dec 1).

JT-60SA is a joint venture of the European Union and Japan. This fusion nuclear reactor is being hoped as the answer to humanity’s future energy needs.

In most nuclear plants fission technology is used, where an atomic nuclei is split to generate energy. But in fusion two atomic nuclei are fused. Energy is generated in the sun, the star of our solar system through the process of fusion.  In the sun, two hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium and produce immense energy in the process.

The JT-60SA reactor is a six-storey-high machine.  It is a forerunner for its big brother in France, the under-construction International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).

JT-60SA and ITER both fuse together hydrogen nuclei to form helium, releasing energy in the process in the form of light and heat.

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