“No-Confidence Motion Always Lucky For Us, It’s God’s Blessing”: PM Modi

New Delhi: Addressing the no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi embraced the motion as a political blessing. Reflecting on the 2018 no-confidence motion, he underlined its positive impact on the government, citing that it’s a test primarily for the Opposition rather than his administration.

Highlighting the outcome of the 2018 motion, PM Modi pointed out that the Opposition couldn’t even muster votes equalling their seats in the house. He characterized the no-confidence motion as a measure of the Opposition’s public support, which, according to him, has been lacking, evident from recent elections where the BJP received more votes.

Taking a swipe at the Opposition, the Prime Minister criticized their apparent focus solely on their political future rather than the welfare of India. He questioned their readiness and preparation, pointing out that he had given them five years to get ready, yet they seemed unprepared.

PM Modi accused the Opposition of lacking concern for issues such as poverty and the youth’s future, claiming that their primary focus was on acquiring power. This remark sheds light on the motivations he perceives in the Opposition’s actions.

The Prime Minister’s speech arrived amidst demands from the Opposition for his statement on the Manipur ethnic violence, a context which adds to the overall political atmosphere.

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