UP Man Cuts Open Pregnant Wife’s Womb To Check Baby’s Gender; Gets Life Sentence

Badaun (UP): A man in Uttar Pradesh’s Badaun has been sentenced to life imprisonment for a horrific attack on his pregnant wife.

The man, identified as Panna Lal was found guilty of slashing his wife Anita’s stomach open with a sickle in September 2020 in a desperate attempt to determine the baby’s gender.

The couple had been married for 22 years and already had five daughters. Anita’s family revealed ongoing arguments fueled by Panna Lal’s desire for a son. Despite efforts by Anita’s family to intervene, Panna Lal threatened divorce and remarriage to have a male heir.

On the fateful day, an argument erupted about the unborn baby’s gender. In a fit of rage, Panna Lal threatened to cut Anita open to confirm the baby’s sex. When Anita resisted, he threatened her life.

Panna Lal then launched a vicious attack with a sickle. Anita bravely attempted to escape, but Panna Lal overpowered her and inflicted a deep gash on her stomach, exposing her intestines.

Hearing her screams, Anita’s brother, who worked nearby, rushed to the scene. Panna Lal fled, leaving Anita critically injured. Despite extensive medical intervention, Anita’s unborn baby, a boy, could not be saved.

In a desperate attempt to escape blame, Panna Lal fabricated a story in court, claiming Anita self-inflicted the injuries due to a property dispute with her brothers. The court, however, saw through his lies and delivered a just sentence.

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