Thailand’s Company Offers Paid “Dating Leave” to Its Employees

As an effort to enhance well being of employees, a company in Thailand is providing “Tinder Leave” to its staff for dating, reported The Straits Times.

As per reports, marketing agency Whiteline Group has declared that from beginning of July until December 2024, employees will be eligible for paid “Tinder leave” to take up romantic relations on the dating app.

“Our employees can use Tinder leave for dating with someone,” the company said in its LinkedIn post.

The company has not mentioned the number of days allocated for such leave. The company has however said it would cover the cost of the higher-tiered Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum subscriptions for all employees.

The company’s management is said to have taken up this initiative when a worker was overheard saying she was “too busy” to date. Now the staff has the option to take days and nights off and go out with their Tinder matches.

The offer is only available for employees who have passed probation and who join between the dates of July 9 and December 31 this year.

This marketing company headquartered in Bangkok has about 200 employees.

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