4 Day Week for Employees of Companies in UK

Around one hundred companies in Britain have agreed for a permanent four-day working week for all employees without cutting any pay. It means the employees will have three days off in a week.

Around 2600 employees of these companies will benefit from this decision. The four-day-week campaign started by these companies is thought to be a step to bring in a transformative change in the work culture of England.

The advocators of the four-day week termed five-day week work pattern is a hangover from an earlier economic age. According to The Guardian, they argued that a four-day week work culture improves the productivity of firms and companies get the same work done in less time.

As per reports companies adopting a four-day week policy have started to attract and retain employees.

Most of the companies that have officially adopted the new four-day-week working pattern are in the service sector such as technology, events, or marketing companies.

Two biggest firms in the UK that have signed up to adopt the four-day working week are Atom Bank and global marketing company Awin. Each of these companies has around 450 employees in the UK.

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