Mumbai: A 56-year-old man named Manoj Sahani was arrested on charges of killing his live-in partner Saraswati Vaidya, chopping her body into pieces, and boiling her body parts in a cooker at his rented flat in Mumbai’s Mira Road.
Saraswati Vaidya (36) was the live-in partner of this killer for the past three years. Police came to know about this gruesome murder when locals complained of a foul smell emanating from the apartment.
Arrested Manoj owns a small shop in Boriwali.
Police recovered decomposed body parts of the woman from the apartment where the couple lived.
According to police sources, the couple had a fight over some matter following which the woman was killed by her live-in partner. It is suspected that to hide the evidence, the suspect chopped off her body and tried to boil them in a cooker. Police have also taken two other suspects into custody in relation to this case. They are suspected to have helped in the crime.
This incident is similar to that of the murder of Shraddha Walkar by her live-in partner Aaftab Poonawala in Delhi. Aaftab chopped her body into pieces and kept them in a fridge for almost three weeks before disposing them in different areas.
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