No Sex Other Than Marital Relations in Indonesia



On Tuesday Indonesia’s parliament approved a bill that puts curbs and restrictions on sexual relations other than man-woman marital relationships.

This newly passed Indonesian law criminalises premarital and extra-marital sex, as well as the sexual relationship of unmarried couples.

It will also have an immense impact on LGBTQ community in Indonesia as same-sex relations are not allowed in this country.

On Monday some citizens protested against this bill.

So, any sexual relationship other than marital relations has become a punishable offense in Indonesia. Offenders of premarital and extra-marital sex can be jailed for up to one year, reported Indonesian media.

This new criminal code is applicable to Indonesian citizens as well as foreigners. As reported, the article 413, paragraph 1 of the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) reads, “Anyone who has intercourse with someone who is not their husband or wife shall be punished for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of category II.”

But this law will come into force only if there is a complaint from the husband or wife or the parents of their children who are not bound by marriage.

Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country. It is alleged that the laws of this Muslim nation discriminate against women, religious minorities, and LGBT community.

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