Best diet for thyroid: 5 foods to eat every day

If you are suffering from an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), the first thing you will notice is rapid and sudden weight gain, which can be seen as a symbol of not so well endocrine system. It is diagnosed when the gland is not producing enough hormones. It can affect any age group including infants and children. The symptoms include fatigue, cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, increased cholesterol levels, stiffness or pain in joints, depression, or impaired memory. According to American Thyroid Association, the cause of weight gain in people with hypothyroidism could be complex and may not be related to excess fat accumulation instead most of the extra weight gained in hypothyroid individuals is due to excess accumulation of salt and water.

According to doctors, eating these foods for thyroid patients can help with weight loss suffering from hypothyroidism:

  1. Vegetables: Vegetables rich in Vitamin C like tomatoes, and bell papers support thyroid function and are rich in fiber and antioxidants that help with weight loss.
  2. Nuts and Seeds: These are good sources of Selenium and Zinc. Brazil nuts, Chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds are rich in these nutrients. These can be great snacking options which in turn prevent binge eating and therefore help in weight loss.
  3. Eggs: The egg yolks are enriched with Zinc and selenium; the whites are enriched with protein which makes it an amazing option for thyroid patients.
  4. Legumes and Beans: These help in improving the metabolism and provide a sense of satiety, and will prevent weight gain, as they are enriched in protein.
  5. Water and other Non-Caffeinated beverages: More water intake can help a lot in boosting the weight loss process as it helps with bloating, water retention, keeping the hormones in check, removing toxins from the body, and much more.
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