Are you single in Life? Know why “National Singles Day” is celebrated

New Delhi: It is said that every human being has to get married someday, as according to the scriptures, it is only after marriage that man enjoys conjugal bliss and brings forth his new generation into the world. But today’s youth are avoiding marriage and relationships to a great extent. So if you like this kind of single life, you can celebrate National Singles Day differently. This day is mainly celebrated for those who prefer to remain single in life.

It was originally celebrated in China and Chinese people celebrate it on November 11. But later it was celebrated on 24 September in the United States of America. In many countries, “National Singles Day” is celebrated on the last Saturday of September every year. If you are also single and want to celebrate this day, then you can go out for a walk with your friends on this day. You can celebrate this day by preparing your favorite food at home. Apart from this, you can celebrate this day by doing whatever you like.

Mainly, people who have chosen the path of living alone in the world have to hear a lot of criticism from society. But being single in life should be your own opinion and desire. And all the slanders of the society should be learned to continue in the past life. Only then you can achieve success in every field of life.

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