Will Humans Replicate Sun’s Fusion Energy Production Process on Earth?

US scientists at Lawrence Livermore National laboratory are reported to have made a major scientific breakthrough in the field of research to develop technology to harness energy from nuclear fusion. They are said to be closer to developing a commercially viable nuclear fusion process.

According to the Department of Energy of the US, at present efforts are on at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to fuse nuclei of deuterium and tritium, two hydrogen isotopes. According to sources this fusion effort requires less heat and has the potency to release much more energy than most fusion reactions in laboratories.

Nuclear fusion can provide unlimited energy as its raw materials are available even in seawater. Fusion does not produce any radioactive waste.

Nuclear fusion is the energy source of the sun. If humans are able to replicate fusion on earth then all our energy and pollution worries will vanish. Humans will no more depend on fossil fuels which are a major cause of environmental degradation.

Nuclear fusion occurs continuously on the sun. It is the nuclear reaction when two light nuclei merge to form a single heavier nucleus. The total mass of that single nucleus is always less than the mass of the two original nuclei. The leftover mass is released in the form of energy.

In the sun fusion of two repelling nuclei occurs because of immense heat and pressure of gravity.

Since the 1930s, scientists are trying to replicate the nuclear fusion process on earth. But they have not succeeded.



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