Youth Kills 5 Members of Family, Then Ends Own Life in UP

Lucknow: A 25-year-old youth named Shiveer Singh committed suicide after murdering five members of his life at Gokulpur village in Mainpuri district of Uttar Pradesh on Saturday morning. The deceased included his newly married younger brother and his wife.

The accused ended his life by shooting himself with a pistol after committing the murders. He committed the gruesome act while the victims were sleeping.

According to police sources, Shiveer Singh, 25, worked at a computer center in Noida. He had come to Gopalpur to attend his younger brother Sonu’s wedding.

On Friday night, marriage-related merry-making including singing and dancing continued till 11 pm.

At around 3 o’clock, Shiveer hacked his younger brother Sonu (22) and his wife Soni (20), who were sleeping on the terrace, with an axe. Then he killed his brother Bhullan (20), his brother’s friend Deepak (21) and brother-in-law Saurabh (26).

He also attacked his wife Dolly, father Subhash Chandra and an aunt with a knife, injuring them lethally.

He then ran out and shot himself in the head in the backyard of his house. Family dispute is suspected to be the reason behind the incident.

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