Jajpur: A tragic incident occurred near Jajpur Road Railway station on Wednesday afternoon, resulting in the unfortunate loss of six lives belonging to a group of labourers. The incident involved rakes of a goods train, which allegedly rolled down unexpectedly and ran over the labourers. In addition, two individuals sustained injuries during the mishap.
According to preliminary reports, the freight bogies were parked on the safety track, without an engine. The victims, seeking shelter from a thunderstorm, had taken refuge beneath the stationary rakes of the train. These individuals were contractual labourers employed by a contractor for Railway work near Jajpur Keonjar Road.
The train in question was a monsoon reserve rake, specifically reserved at the sick line near Jajpur-Keonjhar Road. Regrettably, due to the intensity of the thunderstorms, the engine-less train began to roll uncontrollably, resulting in the tragic accident. The Railways issued a statement confirming this chain of events.
Following the incident, the Divisional Railway Official, headed by DRM Khurda Road, promptly responded by dispatching assistance to the scene.
It is worth noting that a previous accident involving the Coromandel Express had occurred at the same location back in 2009.
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