Mumbai: In a recent statement, BCCI secretary Jay Shah emphasized the importance of supporting players’ requests for personal leave, citing the case of Virat Kohli’s absence from the ongoing Test series against England. Kohli, alongside wife Anushka Sharma, is expecting their second child this year, presumed to be the reason for his break from cricket.
While the couple has chosen not to publicly disclose their pregnancy this time, Kohli initially withdrew from the first two Tests against England and later extended his break for the remaining matches.
Shah affirmed BCCI’s full support for Kohli’s decision, stating that it’s his right to request personal leave after 15 years of consistent commitment to the sport. However, he didn’t provide details regarding Kohli’s availability for future events like the upcoming World Cup.
Shah also addressed Mohammed Shami’s injury, indicating that updates on his fitness will be shared once he is ready to return to action.
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