All Beauty Parlors Closed Down in Afghanistan

Ignoring all public protests and UN concern, the Taliban government in Afghanistan closed down all women’s beauty salons in Afghanistan on Tuesday.

This action was initiated as per the deadline given by the Ministry of Vice and Virtue on July 4 of Afghanistan. According to recent Taliban order, women’s beauty parlours in Afghanistan were no longer allowed to operate after July 23, reported Khaama Press.

There were over 12,000 women’s beauty salons in Afghanistan. On an average, five women were employed by each. Kabul had around 3,100 women-only beauty salons.

Expressing concern, the United Nations said that the forced closure of women’s beauty salons could have a negative impact on the economy of women.

This ban on beuty parlors will snatch away income source from the women who supported their families by working in them.

According to the spokesperson of Kabul Municipality Nematullah Barakzai, women’s beauty salons’ business licences will be invalid after the third of Asad (solar calendar) and they will not be permitted to operate until the following order, reported Tolo News.


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