Study Reveals COVID-19 Virus May Stay in Blood and Tissue for Over a Year

New Delhi: A recent study presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) reveals intriguing findings about the persistence of the COVID-19 virus in infected individuals. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) discovered remnants of SARS-CoV-2, known as COVID-19 antigens, lingering in the blood for up to 14 months post-infection, and in tissue samples for over two years.

These findings shed light on the phenomenon of long-term COVID-19, where symptoms persist for months after the acute phase of the illness. Symptoms such as brain fog, digestive issues, and vascular problems have been reported in individuals, even those who were previously healthy.

The study, which examined blood samples from 171 COVID-infected individuals, employed an ultra-sensitive test to detect the COVID spike protein, crucial for the virus’s cell entry. Results showed the virus’s presence even after long periods post-infection, particularly among those who had been hospitalized or reported severe illness.

Lead researcher Michael Peluso emphasized the significance of these findings, noting the association between illness severity and the persistence of COVID-19 antigens. These results provide compelling evidence of the virus’s ability to linger in some individuals despite presumed normal immune responses.

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