Peanuts control blood sugar, know how much to consume

Peanuts benefits: Obesity is a big problem in the world today. Due to this there are many chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart related diseases. According to the World Health Organization, more than 2 billion people in the world are obese.

That is, 2 out of every 6 people are suffering from obesity. Even children are not spared from this. Although there can be many reasons for obesity, but most of the wrong eating habits are responsible for it. In such a situation, if you include some things in your habits, then obesity can be controlled. If you also want to lose weight, try some special foods instead of snacks. Among these, peanuts can be the best option.

This is how peanuts work

Lowers blood sugar – According to a news of TOI, groundnut is very effective for diabetic patients. It can be taken in snacks. It does not contain unhealthy fats, due to which it balances the level of blood sugar in the blood. Magnesium is also present in peanuts that controls the insulin response in the body. Insulin converts blood sugar into energy.

Effective in weight loss – Actually, there is a lot of fiber in peanuts, after which we feel very less hungry after eating. Apart from this, there is abundant protein, carbohydrate, healthy fat, fiber and fatty acids present in peanuts. It not only gives energy to our body but also keeps us away from many chronic diseases. There is very little fat in peanuts. Hence it is effective in reducing weight. Consuming protein and fiber gives energy to the body and keeps hunger at bay.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol – Consuming peanuts in limited quantity reduces bad cholesterol from the blood and increases good cholesterol. Several studies have found that peanuts have the ability to lower blood pressure. The monosaturated fat, fiber and protein present in it are considered good for the heart. Along with this, antioxidants like resveratrol and amino acids are found in peanuts which protect the arteries from these linings. Due to the inner lining, fat starts accumulating in the arteries.

How many peanuts to eat in a day – Peanuts have many properties, but consuming too much of it can also harm. According to experts, not more than 42 grams of peanuts should be eaten in a day. Eating more than required can lead to obesity.

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