Normal Blood sugar level of body in different Ages

Nowadays, some diseases used to happen to people of increasing ages, but this is no longer the case. Even at a young age, people are suffering from diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, and hypertension. Diseases can be avoided as well as health can be improved. Today we tell you what blood sugar should be at what age.

People above 18 years of age should have a blood sugar level of 140 mg after 1 or 2 hours of eating. If you are fasting, it should be 99 mg per liter. A diabetic patient between the ages of 40 and 50 should have a fasting blood sugar level of 90 to 130 mg/dL, while 140 to 130 mg/dL after meals and 150 after dinner is considered good.

If you are a patient with blood sugar, you should change the way you eat, drink, sleep, and sit. You should increase your physical activity. Make it a part of your lifestyle. Avoid eating too much sugar, salt, and sweets. Do not eat things that have a lot of carbohydrates.

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