Balasore: Four days after the devastating triple train crash near the Bahanagar Bazar station in Odisha’s Balasore district, the Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express passed through the accident spot on Tuesday at a speed of 30 kmph. A significant number of spectators watched as the locomotive made its way through the area.
Since the restoration of both the up and down lines on Sunday night, over 70 trains, including the Vande Bharat Express, have crossed through Bahanaga Bazar Station.
The accident involved three trains: the Howrah-Chennai Coromandel Express, Bengaluru-Howrah Express, and a stationary goods train. Tragically, the incident claimed the lives of at least 288 individuals and left over 1,200 people injured.
The CBI has taken over the Balasore GRP case No. 64, which was initially registered by the Odisha Police.
Rinkesh Ray, the Khurda Road Divisional Railway Manager (DRM), provided an update on Monday regarding the identification of the victims. Out of the 278 deceased, 177 have been identified, while the unidentified bodies have been placed in six different hospitals.
To assist in locating any missing persons, railway personnel have been deployed in various states, including Odisha, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.
Ray also emphasized that the bodies will be preserved using appropriate scientific methods, ensuring respect and dignity for the deceased.
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