Smoking and age are the two biggest risk factors for developing cancer, new research reports

New Delhi: Today, while cancer is a terrible disease, different facts about it come to light at different times. However, smoking and age are two major risk factors for cancer. Smoking is more dangerous than lung cancer. Smoking and age are two factors that contribute to development of cancer. This information was obtained from a recent study.

However, diets, exercise, family history of diseases are also important in this field. Age and obesity in humans have a higher chance of developing the tumor. The cancer history of more than 4 lakh people was analyzed for this research. Each individual’s 5-year data was taken in consideration.

2 percent of any cancer develops within 5 years. It is more likely in the case of 50 year old men and women. However, it is 29 percent in case of men and 25 percent in case of women. It was found that cancer develops due to smoking after puberty. Similarly, consumption of red meat, being physically inactive, and consumption of alcohol are also risk factors.

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