Goddess Durga’s weapon depicts various powers, Know…

Goddess Durga is the most powerful. She is given the combined power of many gods to destroy all the demons of the earth. The ten arms of the goddess signify the protection of her devotees, which extend from heaven to earth. The power of the goddess is depicted as a weapon in her ten hands.

Know the Symbols and Meanings of Weapons –

Trident- Gifted by Lord Shiva, the trident has three sharp edges which symbolize the three virtues – Thomas (peace, inactivity), Satta (salvation, positivity, and purity), and Raja (peace, hyperactivity, and desire).

Conch – The word conch symbolizes the pure and holy sound called Om from which all creation of the universe was created. It was gifted by Lord Varuna.

Sudarshan Chakra – It is a gift from Lord Vishnu which symbolizes that the world is controlled by Durga, who is the center of creation and the universe revolves around him. It also symbolizes righteousness or righteousness as it rotates on the fingers of the goddess. This weapon is used to destroy all evil and protect the righteous.

Lotus – Lotus is the symbol of Lord Brahma which represents wisdom. It symbolizes the awakening of spiritual consciousness in the mind during times of darkness.

Bow and Arrow – Bow and arrow are gifted by Lord Air and Lord Sun. The bow represents potential energy while the arrow stands for kinetic energy. It also symbolizes that Goddess Durga controls all sources of energy in the universe.

Thunder – Lord Indra’s gift symbolizes spirit, determination, and supreme power. Goddess Durga bestows her devotees with indomitable confidence and strength of will.

Sword – The sword given by Lord Ganesha is a symbol of wisdom and intelligence. It represents the sharpness of the intellect and the brilliant power of the sword.

Axe- Goddess Durga received an axe from Lord Vishwakarma which signifies no fear of consequences when fighting evil.

Snake – Lord Shiva’s snake is a symbol of consciousness and male power. It also represents a shift from a lower state of consciousness to a higher state with an eagerness to experience new things.

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