Kushinagar (UP): In a bizarre turn of events, a wedding ceremony in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, was called off after the groom’s true identity was revealed. The groom, Tabrez Alam, was arrested for allegedly posing as a police officer named Aryan Prasad to marry a Dalit woman.
The couple had been in a relationship for a year before the woman’s family initiated marriage talks. Alam readily agreed and set a date for the wedding. However, on the wedding day (February 25th), Alam fabricated a story about his mother suffering a heart attack to stall the wedding procession.
Despite the supposed emergency, Alam arrived at the venue alone in a decorated car. The ceremony proceeded until the exchange of garlands, but suspicion arose during the gift-giving ritual. The bride’s family questioned the authenticity of the jewellery presented by Alam, leading to a heated argument.
In the ensuing chaos, Alam’s disguise unravelled – a wig fell off, revealing his true identity. A search of his belongings confirmed his deception; an Aadhaar card identified him as Tabrez Alam, not Aryan Prasad.
The bride’s family, outraged by Alam’s elaborate lie, immediately contacted the police. Officers arrived at the venue and arrested Alam. A case has been registered against him, confirmed Additional Superintendent of Police South, Abhinav Tyagi.
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