Nadia (WB): In a heart-wrenching incident that has shocked the Nadia district in West Bengal, a Class 8 student was kidnapped and subsequently strangled by three of his own classmates. The motive behind this gruesome act was a ransom demand of Rs 3 lakh, which the victim’s family was unable to fulfill.
The distressing incident came to light when the student’s family reported him missing to the Krishnanagar police station. The young boy had left his home on a bicycle to meet friends on a Friday but never returned. Subsequent investigations led to the arrest of the three classmates, who were found to be responsible for the heinous crime.
Reportedly, the perpetrators demanded the ransom with the intention of buying a gaming laptop. When the family was unable to meet their demands, the situation took a tragic turn. The kidnappers decided to strangle the student and even fulfilled his last wish by serving him rasgullas and soft drinks before committing the horrific act.
The body of the victim was later found in a bag in an isolated location. The police have arrested the three accused and charged them under relevant sections of the Juvenile Act.
The incident has sparked outrage among local residents, who have demanded swift action against the perpetrators. The police have assured that they are taking the matter seriously and will ensure that justice is served.
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