Bhubaneswar: In a horrific incident, a man in Bhubaneswar allegedly killed his wife in a domestic dispute and spent three days with the body before being arrested by police on Thursday. The incident occurred in Tarini Nagar of the Maitri Vihar area.
The couple, who worked as daily labourers, reportedly had frequent arguments, often fueled by alcohol. According to sources, on Monday evening, a quarrel between the two escalated dramatically, leading the man to fatally assault his wife with a wooden plank.
Following the assault, the man reportedly sent their two children to a neighbour’s house and remained with his wife’s body for the next three days. Neighbours grew suspicious due to the couple’s absence from work and a foul odour emanating from their house.
On Sunday, after confronting the man about the stench, he confessed his actions to the neighbours. The neighbours then informed the police, who arrived at the scene with a forensic team.
The Maitri Vihar Police Station has taken the man into custody and seized the body for autopsy. A thorough investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the argument and the events leading to the woman’s death. The couple’s two children are currently under the care of their neighbours.
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